Our other anti static products include Antistatic Overcoats / Antistatic Caps / Antistatic Hood / Antistatic Booties / Antistatic Car Covers / Antistatic Robot Covers

Belt and Watches Protectors
Belt protectors are made of good quality leather to prevent chips and scratches while working in assembly line.
Watch protectors are made of cotton fabric to absorb sweat with dial area exposed for time viewing.

Belt Pouch Protector

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Watch Protector

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 Tool Pouches
We are counted amongst leading companies for manufacturing, supplying, trading and   importing a large array of Tool Pouches. The products we offer are used to keep various types of tools like automobile, engineering and many more. These products are provided by us in various sizes and as per the needs of the customers.

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Robot Covers

Robot covers are made of lint free polyester / nylon fabric as per customer’s requirement or as per Robot design specification in the Automobile industries specified by the user.

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