We are backed by a fully equipped infrastructural unit which is spread over 5000 sq ft. We divide our infrastructures into various units in order to speed up the production and   delivery process. Various units of our infrastructure are monitored by our operational heads so that every task is completed in a systematic manner within a given time frame. Our infrastructure is facilitated by various machines such as stitching machine, quality testing   machine, cutting machine, packaging machine and many more.

By utilizing the available resources in the best possible way,  our professionals meet the bulk requirements of our customers by high quality standards.

Our Staff

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Our Vendor Base

Our company has created a niche in this competitive industry with the support of our authentic and reliable vendor base. Our vendors render us high quality fabric, threads and other material that we use in the manufacturing of our products. They stand by us no matter how critical the situation is.
Our vendors are the back bone of our company who play an important role in our achievements. Moreover, we choose them on the basis of their  market position,credibility,  production capacity, past business records and many other parameters.

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